Dell Adamo Rumors Gain Ground with 'Confirmation'

— -- We've got some more buzz today about an alleged forthcoming Dell ultralight notebook to challenge Apple'sMacbook Air -- but the confirmed news is also a bit lightweight.

The news about Dell's mystery Adamo laptop broke this week on fashion and luxury site Uptown Life. The article featured a Dell image with the Adamo product logo as well as the text tagline "rival the Macbook Air." Uptopwn Life yanked the article, but the rumor mills had already caught the scent.

Tuesday, in response to the rumors, Dell spokesperson Bob Kaufman made the confusing confirmation that the Adamo image used in the Uptown Life article was a genuine Dell advertisement. "We did this to wake up the personal computing category and create some buzz," Kaufman said of Adamo ad.

Well, I don't think the personal computer category needed any waking up, but Dell definitely succeeded in creating buzz about its product. This confirmation only confuses matters. Does the confirmation of the Adamo image legitimize the entire Uptown Life article? If so, we can expect an ultrathin laptop from Dell sometime early next year. Some Adamo accessories have already been spotted that suggest it to be a smaller, power-frugal device, though it is still hard to tell if the claim of a laptop thinner than the Macbook Air has any weight.

And why would Kaufman feel the need to confirm the image used in the article, but not the article itself? He stated that a primary goal was to create buzz, but that buzz is only good if the final product can live up to it. I would like to think that Dell knows better than to tease at a product, like an ultrathin laptop, if that is not actually what is in the works. At this point, the Adamo had better be an ultra thinlaptop or Dell risks falling short of expectations.