Resident Evil 5 in 3D Vision Confirmed for Windows

— -- 3D Vision. Admit it, sounds kinda gimmicky. The last time I propped a pair of "3D" glasses on the bridge of my nose, I was an undergrad in Orlando, Florida, tripping the recorded fantastic with Captain EO. (Michael Jackson was still cool, too.) Before that, my memories of three-dimensional whiz-bangery involve gawking at The Creature From the Black Lagoon rejiggered for color TVs and the old red and blue cellophane classic geek-ware. I've considered the tech suspect ever since.

Enter Resident Evil 5 for PCs, confirmed for release this summer (July, to be slightly less imprecise) alongside Street Fighter IV and Bionic Commando. The latter two boast "higher resolution" gameplay as a PC-specific bonus bullet point (well duh!), while Resident Evil 5 gets a bona fide distinctive feature: NVIDIA's GeForce 3D Vision technology.

Ever stuck a pair of stereoscopic glasses over your eyeballs? Where the glasses use polarizing filters (or equivalent) to alternate what your eyes see? Like that. Or if you've ever goofed around with a Viewmaster, kind of like that, too (iin principle anyway). It looks like you're seeing one 3D image, when in fact your eyes are asymmetrically being shown two. Carried off properly, the results can be somewhat convincing.

I've yet to sample NVIDIA's 3D Vision tech — it's not exactly bargain priced at $200 for the basic kit — but it does reportedly work with a whole slew of games, some rated hipper than others in terms of their complementary "3D-ness." Resident Evil 5's not yet in the list, but rest assured the PC version will land in Nvidia's "excellent" category.

Game pros and cons aside, for all that's not unique about these versions, should we be mildly insulted about the interim hitch between console and Windows release dates?


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