TED Talks: Disruptive Food Technology from Moto

Get a deeper look into the work of the TED conference and its speakers.

Dec. 19, 2011 — -- TED is a nonprofit organization devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. At the TED conference, the world's leading thinkers and doers are asked to share a brilliant idea -- in 18 minutes. These talks are made available free online at TED.com.

ABC News is taking a deeper look into the remarkable work of TED speakers and their ideas, and features playlists of great TED Talks on ABCNews.com.

Homaro Cantu and Ben Roche come from Moto, a Chicago restaurant that plays with new ways to cook and eat food. But beyond the fun and flavor-tripping, there's a serious intent: Can we use new food technology for good?

TED is a nonprofit organization devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. Find 1,000+ more video available free at TED.com. Follow TED on Twitter at @TEDNEWS

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