Apple's September Event Will Be Available to Stream for Windows 10 Users

For the first time in a while, some Windows users will be able to watch live.

A website for the event -- where it's widely expected Apple will show off a new iPhone 6S -- says Apple will support live streaming for Windows 10 devices using the new Edge browser, in addition to the usual line-up of Apple devices.

The event is scheduled to start at 1 pm. ET/10 a.m. PT and will be held at the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium in San Francisco.

Apple is remaining tight-lipped about the agenda for the event and in a characteristically coy invitation teased, "Hey Siri, give us a hint."

For those who take the invitation literally, Apple is even having a little fun with Siri. Ask the virtual personal assistant "Siri give me a hint," and she will fire back: "Why don't you check a rumors blog? That's what I do."

Among the biggest updates expected for the possible new iPhone release are an even sharper camera, faster processor and force-touch technology, allowing users to press parts of the screen the same way they would a button, according to reports.

ABC News' Neal Karlinsky contributed to this report.

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