Beyonce Keeps Singing Like a Superstar After Hair Catches in Fan

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If you think you're Beyoncé's most persistent fan, you better step up to the competition.

Forgive us for the cheesy pun. While performing "Halo" at a concert in Montreal on Monday night, Beyoncé got a little too close to one of the electric fans lining the stage. Her blonde locks got caught in the fan, but it hardly seemed to faze B

See also: Beyoncé Shows Her Fans Who's Boss

While a bodyguard attempted to free her hair from the fan blades, she continued to belt out the song like no big deal.

Although Bey remained calm on stage, she later poked fun at the incident on Instagram. She posted a video of the mishap, then wrote new lyrics to the tune of "Halo" inspired by the concert's events. Read more...