Five Brightest Planets Will Line Up Like a String of Pearls in Pre-Dawn Sky

Get ready for a pre-dawn glimpse of our neighbors in the solar system.

— -- Get ready for a glimpse of our neighbors in the solar system.

On Wednesday, about an hour before sunrise, look for the planets to be aligned diagonally on the southern horizon. It will be the first time in 11 years the five planets -- the only others in our solar system capable of being visible to the naked eye -- have shown themselves at the same time, according to

Don't be fooled by the planets' order from the sun. This time around, the planets will appear in a line, from left to right, Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Mars and Jupiter. If going outside in the winter chill to check out the spectacle doesn't sound appealing, you'll get another chance this August when says the planets will put on a week-long encore performance from Aug. 13 to Aug. 19.