Casting Twitter: Who Should Play Twitter's Early Team in Future TV Series

The book about the dramatic early days of Twitter to become a TV series.

Dec. 19, 2013 — -- intro: Read "Hatching Twitter," New York Times columnist Nick Bilton's bestselling book about the history of Twitter, and you'll learn that the company's backstory is full of drama, betrayal and passion. It's the type of story line that would make a fabulous movie or TV show. And that's exactly what going to happen soon.

On Wednesday, Lionsgate announced that the company plans to start creating a TV series based on the book. Of course, that got the casting agents in us going. This is our first crack at the casting list.

quicklist: 1category: title: Luke Kirby as Jack Dorseyurl:

text: Sure, we could have gone with Jake Gyllenhaal, but Luke Kirby is an up and comer with a striking resemblance to Jack Dorsey, the ruthless Twitter co-founder who is now the CEO of Square. Kirby has starred in "Take This Waltz" and "Mambo Italian" and "Shattered Glass." In the book, Dorsey struggles with a deep sense of loneliness as he strives to control the company.

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quicklist: 2category: title: Freddie Prinze Jr. as Ev Williamsurl:

text: Freddie Prinze Jr. should star opposite Kirby as Twitter co-founder and former CEO Ev Williams. Williams and Dorsey battled back and forth during the early days of Twitter for power at the top. Prinze Jr., as all '90s movies buffs know, starred in "She's All That," "I Know What You Did Last Summer" and "Summer Catch."

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quicklist: 3category: title: Simon Baker as Noah Glass url:

text: There's a reason you might not be familiar with the name Noah Glass when it comes to Twitter's history. One of the founders of the company, Glass came up with the word "Twitter" but was pushed out by the others early on in an effort to consolidate power. Simon Baker, who has starred in "The Devil Wears Prada" and "The Mentalist," will play the betrayed and private Glass.

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quicklist: 4category: title: Rupert Grint as Biz Stone url:

text: Biz Stone, on the other hand, was one of the only founders able to shield himself from the drama and power struggles of the social network. Rupert Grint will break out of his role as Ron Weasley in the "Harry Potter" films to star as Stone.

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quicklist: 5category: title: Jim Rash as Dick Costolo url:

text: Just look at this two side by side. Jim Rash should take a break from NBC's "Community" to play current Twitter CEO Dick Costolo. Costolo joined Twitter in 2009 as COO and became the CEO in 2010 after the board forced out Williams with Dorsey's help.

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quicklist: 6category: title: Martha MacIsaac as Crystal url:

text: There really isn't a leading lady in the story of "Hatching Twitter," but there is one noteworthy woman mentioned. In the early days Jack Dorsey pined over Crystal Taylor, one of the early employees that originally worked at Odeo, the podcasting company that turned into Twitter. Martha MacIssac, best known for her role in "Superbad," will play the co-founder's love interest.

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