CityVille Monopoly, FarmVille Hungry Hungry Herd, Words With Friends: Zynga's Online Games Transformed Into Board Games

The most popular games of the Web are being translated into board games.

Aug. 3, 2012 — -- intro: The old-fashioned and digital game worlds might finally be coming full circle this fall. Your favorite social online games from Zynga -- Words with Friends, FarmVille, Draw Something and CityVille -- are being turned into board games by Hasbro. Really.

"For the first time, players will be able to play Words With Friends, CityVille and FarmVille online and face-to-face," Hasbro chief marketing officer John Frascotti said.

The two companies struck a deal and have been working to translate the popular online social games to the face-to-face games we all remember. Not that it's hard to see how games would be translated.

Details on all the games coming out this fall are below.

quicklist: 1title: CityVille Monopoly ($24.99, October) text: Say good-bye to Park Place and Go to Jail. This is CityVille Monopoly, where you can actually build skyscrapers with stackable buildings. The first to build four skyscrapers wins. And, as you will see with the other games, there is a digital tie-in. Each game includes 85 City Cash dollars (the in-game currency in CityVille). There's also a CityVille Skies iPad app. media: 16924670

quicklist: 2title: Hungry Hungry Herd ($22.99, October) text: You can stop pinching yourself. Yes, Zynga and Hasbro actually translated FarmVille into a new Hungry Hungry Hippos. Although, in this case, the Hippos are now farm animals, including a horse, pig, sheep and cow. The four-player game still works in the same way; all chop to fight for the food, or you know, marble. The $22.99 game comes with $50 of farm cash in-game currency. media: 16924737

quicklist: 3title: Words With Friends ($19.99, October) text: Here's where it really comes full circle. Instead of just buying Scrabble (which Hasbro already sells), Hasbro and Zynga have teamed up to bring you Words With Friends, the board game. You get tiles, a tile rack and a Word With Friends game board. Double Word and Triple Letter words are front and center. There's also a LUXE version with a large, rotating board for $39.99. media: 16924807

quicklist: 4title: Draw Somethingtext: Zynga and Hasbro aren't revealing too much about the Draw Something game, but you can expect it to look and feel a lot like Pictionary. This one will be out in later October or early November. media: 16109124