The Conversation: 'Unemployed Woman'

Two professionals try to help women adapt to new pressures of job hunting.

Feb. 9, 2011 -- "What do two unemployed women do to stay sane?" asks the title card at the beginning of Syndi Blatt and Gail Fine's YouTube video.

The answer: Make a website and launch it with a rap song.

"I was unemployed and I was looking on the Internet and I was going through resumes and job searching," Blatt said. "I became so frustrated, it was just very depressing and I figured there has to be something different that we could do."

The two middle-aged, unemployed women joined forces to blog about their experience and created, a site designed to bring women together so they do not feel alone in the ever-changing job market.

Blatt and Fine do more than just detail their experiences and pass along tips on the Internet.

"We have lots of job search tools on our web site, but we took it a step further in making our time productive by going to health and wellness lectures and also trying to save unemployed women money," Fine said. "We researched coupon sites. We have many coupon sites on our site to try and save them money."

Although both woman are still unemployed they say the site has not only occupied their time and enabled them to help people, it has also made them more marketable in the job market.

Fine said the advice they give everyone looking for a job is simple: never give up.

"Stay productive, stay upbeat -- network -- network is the word of today," she said. "Get out there and do things, do not just sit home and be depressed about it. It won't get you anywhere."

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