Cyber Monday 2015 Deals Entice Shoppers to Buy Online

Cyber Monday is now more than just a day. Here's what to expect.

More than 121 million shoppers -- that's about half of the people who are expected to buy this holiday season -- plan to shop online on Cyber Monday this year, according to a survey conducted by Prosper Insights & Analytics on behalf of the National Retail Federation, a trade group representing retailers from the United States and more than 45 countries.

That number is down from the 126.9 million who said last year they planned to take advantage of Cyber Monday deals.

"It can be exhausting for working parents and millennials to stay up past midnight to shop online, only to wake up early the next day to get ready for work," Fernando Madeira, president and CEO of, said in a statement. "By starting 'Cyber Monday' hours earlier on Sunday evening and quadrupling the number of Cyber Monday specials, we're making it easier for customers to get ahead of the busiest online shopping day of the year and save on the best gifts."

Many retailers are also stretching the savings into something they're calling Cyber Week, offering deals lasting all week. Retailers are also more conscious of how people are shopping online this year.