Facebook Data Shows What Iowans Really Think on Caucus Day

A look at the candidates and issues being discussed on caucus day.

— -- Facebook is shedding light on the big issues and candidates who are generating the most discussion in Iowa even hours before the polls close.

The issue most weighing on Iowan's minds is the economy, which was mentioned 16 percent of the time when issues were discussed, according to the data provided by Facebook.

Here's a look at how the rest of the candidates and issues performed.

All Candidates

Democrats Only

Bernie Sanders was the clear winner with 73 percent. Hillary Clinton garnered 25 percent of the discussion, while Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley got 1 percent.

Republicans Only

Donald Trump was the most discussed Republican, with his name coming up 50 percent of the time when Iowans discussed the GOP candidates. Ted Cruz earned 23 percent while Rand Paul racked up 11 percent; Dr. Ben Carson had 6 percent; Marco Rubio had 4 percent; Mike Huckabee earned 2 percent; Chris Christie, Rick Santorum and Carly Fiorina were all at 1 percent while Jeb Bush, John Kasich and Jim Gilmore all registered less than 1 percent.


Economy - 16 percent

Same-Sex Marriage - 10 percent

State Department Emails - 9 percent

Religion - 8 percent

The Affordable Care Act - 7 percent

All Others - 51 percent

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