Facebook Facelift: 4 Tips to Spruce Up Your Profile

You never know who may be looking for your Facebook profile.

— -- You never know who may be looking at your Facebook profile.

Whether it's a prospective employer, a co-worker or a long lost friend, having your Facebook profile looking spruced up -- along with the proper privacy settings -- is key.

Pronounce Your Name

Sick of people butchering your name and having to correct them? The "pronounce your name" feature is one of Facebook's hidden gems. From the about section of your profile, choose "details about you" and then click to add a name pronunciation.

Some pre-populated written and audio pronunciation guides can be chose or users are welcome to add their own.

Timeline Review

What your friends post on your wall doesn't always reflect on you, however it has the potential to be embarrassing if anyone can see it. The best solution: Enable timeline review under the "timeline and tagging" section of settings. This will make sure nothing you wouldn't want your mother to see is posted without your permission.

Damage Control

Click on the padlock in the upper right corner, choose "Who Can See My Stuff?" and then "View As" to type in a specific friend's name or see what parts of your public anyone can see.

If you're shocked to still find those Cancun Spring Break '07 photos are public. If you uploaded the photo, you can click edit to change the audience of the post. If the photos were posted by a friend, the fastest way to get rid of it to untag yourself from the photo. Another solution: Ask the friend to change the audience of the photo.


The pages you like on Facebook are a reflection of your personality. Go through your list by scrolling down to the "likes" box on the left side of your timeline. From there you can unlike anything you wouldn't want a potential employer to see. Also considering adding pages that would give someone taking a cursory glance at your profile a sense of who you are and what you like to do.