Facebook: How to Opt Out of Place Tips

New service will show tips based on a user's location.

Place tips brings up relevant tips about a user's location, similar to what someone may find on Foursquare and Yelp.

"When you tap on place tips, you’ll see a series of cards with info about the place you’re at," Facebook product manager Mike LeBeau wrote in a blog post. "If you choose to view place tips, you’ll find things like posts and photos your friends have shared with you about that place."

The feature won't show a user's friends where they are and will not post anything to Facebook. If you already share your location with Facebook but don't want place tips, check to make sure it's turned off in your mobile app.

Choose settings, location and "Place Tip Settings" to toggle the service on or off. You can also turn off tips for places you visit regularly by tapping the menu at the top of the tip to hide them.

Facebook said it's testing the service in New York City. Several businesses in the city will use Bluetooth beacons, which send signals to a person's phone when they're nearby. Facebook said this will help them make sure users are getting "the right tips for the right place."