Facebook Reportedly Planning to Run Video Ads in Its News Feed

— -- In a move sure to annoy some users but potentially please investors, Facebook is planning to introduce video ads in the first half of next year, according to report.

Citing "several industry executives," Advertising Age reports that "by April at the latest," advertisers will be able to target video ads in users' News Feeds on desktop and mobile. The length of such videos would cap at 15 seconds as opposed to the standard 30-second TV ad, according to the report.

Facebook reps could not be reached for comment.

The report adds that the video ads will be on "autoplay," meaning they will start running automatically, a potentially controversial move. IN addition, on desktop, the ads will expand out of the News Feed and into the left- and right-hand columns.

The move comes as Facebook is facing a backlash for its new Terms of Service for its Instagram unit. The TOS states that pics that users upload on Instagram after Jan. 16 can be used in ads on the social network.

This story originally appeared on Mashable.com.