Fake BP Twitter Account Mocks Oil Spill PR Efforts

Spoof BP Twitter stream gains nearly 20k followers, real account has about 5k.

May 25, 2010— -- As if BP didn't have enough to worry about, a new Twitter account making fun of the company's oil spill public relations efforts has gained popularity online.

The mock BP Twitter account, @BPGlobalPR, launched last week and has already attracted nearly 20,000 followers, far outdistancing the follower count of BP's real Twitter stream, which has about 4,700 followers.

While the company's real account @BP_America provides updates about volunteer efforts, links to video clips and procedures meant to plug the leak spilling oil into the Gulf of Mexico, the fake account offers a more satirical take:

"Think about it this way, the ocean is like rootbeer and oil is like ice cream. We just made America a giant rootbeer float!," reads an early post.

"Really worried about the effect this disaster will have on bikini season. The sun is still shining ladies, get outt there!," reads another.

Nearby New Orleans has received several dedicated call-outs in the Twitter stream.

"We threw one helluva party in New Orleans last night! Officially declaring a company wide day of rest to clear our heads. LOL," said one tweet.

"Proud to announce that BP will be sponsoring the New Orleans Blues Festival this summer w/ special tribute to Muddy Waters," the BP Twitter imposter wrote later.

Presumably in response to reports that actor Kevin Costner funded a new technology to clean up oil spills, the fake account tweeted, "Sorry Kevin Costner, if we were interested in what you had to say, we'd rent Tin Cup."

Fake BP Twitter Feed Spouts One-Liners

More recent posts focus on T-shirts ostensibly created by the mock BP Twitterer.

"Because we're spending our time doing what really matters... making "BP Cares" t-shirts www.streetgiant.bigcartel.com #bpcares," said one post.

The Web site selling the $25 T-shirts said, "All proceeds from these satirical shirts will be given to www.healthygulf.org."

According to the Wall Street Journal, BP is aware of the spoof account.

"It's a shame, but obviously people are entitled to their views," a BP spokesman told the Journal.