Google Chromebook Pixel 2: How the Laptop Stands Out From the Pack

From design changes to no more cable clutter, here' s a look at the $999 device.

— -- Would you pay $1,000 for a laptop that only lets you surf the Internet?

Chromebooks are typically priced in the $200 range and appeal to users for their price and bare-bones features.

The updated Chromebook Pixel looks a lot like its predecessor, which was introduced at a price of $1,299. Despite the sticker shock, there's plenty of cool new features that make Google's latest premium computer appealing.


No more cable clutter.

The updated Chromebook Pixel uses the USB Type-C charging standard that many electronics companies have began adopting this year. The cable plugging into the port and a connected device has ends that are the same size, meaning there is no need to have to worry about plugging something in upside down.

Battery Life

With a turbo charger, it's easy to get two hours of battery life in just 15 minutes, according to Google, which noted that a full charge lasts up to 12 hours.


The LS version has a 2.4 GHz Broadwell Core i7.