Blue Origin launch recap: Jeff Bezos soars to the edge of space in historic flight

Jeff Bezos and three others are launched to the edge of space on Tuesday.

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos blasted to the edge of space and spent a few minutes outside Earth's atmosphere Tuesday on the first crewed flight from his firm Blue Origin.

An elated Bezos could be heard calling it "the best day ever" after landing back on Earth.

The milestone launch in the modern commercial space race comes on the 52nd anniversary of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin's moon landing in 1969, though the space-faring landscape has evolved by giant leaps since then as billionaires emerge as key players driving the new race to the cosmos.

Bezos, who holds the title of the richest man in the world per Bloomberg data, has said the spaceflight will fulfill a lifelong dream and he is also curious how it will "change" him.

Here is how the launch unfolded.


Capsule separates from booster, astronauts are experiencing 'Zero-G'

Mission Control has confirmed the capsule has separated from the booster and the astronauts are now experiencing a few minutes of weightlessness.

Audio from the capsule captures the joyful moments the crew discovered they were in microgravity.

New Shepard soars in first flight with humans aboard

The New Shepard spacecraft lifted off and cleared the tower at around 9:12 a.m. ET, carrying the Bezos brothers, Funk and Daemen to the edge of space.

The spacetrip will be 11 minutes total.

New Shepard is a ‘go’ for launch 

The go poll is now complete, and New Shepard is officially a “go” for launch.

Launch has been delayed by a few minutes

With the astronauts in the capsule and the hatch closed, there was a temporary pause in launch activities for approximately five minutes while Blue Origin staff did final checks. Launch activities have since resumed, and liftoff is just 11 minutes away.

’I want to go again,’ says an emotional Wally Funk

Funk officially became the oldest person ever to go to space on Tuesday and fulfilled a lifelong dream that had been put on hold for decades because she is a woman.

“I’ve been waiting a long time to finally get up there,” the emotional 82-year-old said after the spaceflight. “I didn't do dolls, I did outside stuff, I flew airplanes.”

Funk trained with the so-called Mercury 13 program for women astronauts in the '60s, but NASA at the time was only sending men into space.

She called her trip to space on Tuesday "wonderful" and "a great time."

The pioneer for women in aerospace also added that she is not done with space travel just yet, saying, “I want to go again, fast!”