Facebook Post Spurs Man to Allegedly Torture, Hold Girlfriend Captive for Days

Anthony Lozano faces false imprisonment, torture charges.

Aug. 31, 2010 — -- A California man was charged with kidnapping and false imprisonment after he allegedly bound, tortured and threatened the life of his girlfriend, holding her hostage for four days when a post on her Facebook page sent him into a jealous rage, authorities told ABC News.

Anthony Lozano, 36, was arrested Saturday evening by the Kings County Sheriff's Department after his 23-year-old girlfriend, who has not been identified, managed to escape the Hanford, Calif., home they shared and call police. The couple's child, who is around 3 years old, and another older child of the alleged victim were also in the home at the time but were not injured, police said.

According to Sheriff's Cmdr. Dave Putnam, Lozano held his girlfriend captive beginning Tuesday of last week after he discovered a Facebook conversation between her and another man.

"The victim was forced to stay at the residence with Lozano and was not allowed to leave," said Putnam. "He forced to her to call in sick to work for several days."

"It was an issue of jealousy," said Putnam. "She claimed that the male she was writing to was just a friend and Mr. Lozano was accusing her of being unfaithful to him, something that she denies."

During the days that the victim was held in the home, Lozano tied her up and violently beat her, according to Putnam.

"Lozano repeatedly struck her all over the body and actually at some points tied her up and bound her and tortured her with the repeated strikes on a daily basis," said Putnam."He threatened to kill her several times throughout the several days she was held against her will," said Putnam. "Some of the false imprisonment was by force and fear -- he told her that if she tried to leave he'd kill her."

Man Charged With Torture, False Imprisonment

"On Saturday, Lozano had a function to go to that she knew he was going to be gone for awhile, and even though he had threatened her not to leave but as soon as he left she saw it as an opportunity," said Putnam of the victim's escape.

The went to her parents' nearby home and contacted authorities, he said.

Lozano faces charges of kidnapping, torture, false imprisonment, spousal abuse and making criminal threats, according to Putnam. He is being held in the Kings County Jail on $725,000 bail.

The victim also alleges that Lozano pulled her from room to room by her hair, dragging her around their home.

Putnam said that Lozano has "partially admitted" to authorities some of what his girlfriend claims he did to her. A lawyer for Lozano has not been identified.

"This is the first case like this where we've seen a direct cause of an argument because [of Facebook," said Putnam. "But I imagine it's a trend we'll see with the ballooning of social media."