NASA Prepares Orion Spacecraft for Its First Big Mission

NASA plans for the vessel to one day carry a crew to Mars.

NASA and Lockheed Martin engineers will now work to outfit the Orion pressure vessel with all the controls necessary for flight, including everything from electrical power storage and communications to flight software and computers.

After Orion has had some work done and becomes a fully functional spacecraft, NASA will put it through a series of tests at several of its facilities across the country.

When Orion has a stellar report card, the next step for the spacecraft will be a launch to circle the moon in 2018 and embark on its first crew mission around 2023.

If everything goes according to plan, Orion could ferry astronauts to an asteroid and eventually to Mars.

The capsule, which has a conical shape just like its moon shot-era predecessor, the Apollo, seats four astronauts. While the design may be similar, Orion is equipped with technology that is light-years ahead of the retired spacecraft.