Samantha Cristoforetti: 5 Memorable Moments From the Italian Astronaut's Time in Space

Samantha Cristoforetti is spending her final week in space.

During her six months in space, Cristoforetti has taken Earthlings along for the ride, sharing moments from her time out of this world. Here are five of the best:

Tiny Books

She proudly showed off her library of tiny books on World Book Day. What better place than space to contemplate life's greatest questions?

Bathroom Tour

Showing off her "hygiene corner," Cristoforetti explained how she brushes her teeth and showers in space. Who knew that soap in space doesn't have to be rinsed?

First Espresso in Space

Cool Science

Whether it was showing off how she works out or the science experiments she's in charge of, Cristoforetti made science cool and accessible to those on the ground eager to learn.

Gorgeous Photos of Earth

Cristoforetti reminded her Twitter followers of what a beautiful planet we live on by tweeting breathtaking images like this one.