Samsung Galaxy S6 Smartphones: What You Need to Know

A new look and new technology make these devices Samsung's best.

"These products are the result of a simple philosophy," Samsung CEO J.K. Shin said. "It comes to two words: Relentless innovation."

Here's a look at what to expect from the Galaxy S6 and the Galaxy S6 Edge.


Samsung boasted that it would have the "fastest, brightest camera on the market" and showed how it was able to illuminate a night scene and turn on with a quick double-tap of the home key in less than a second.

Samsung Pay

Both phones have Samsung Pay, the smartphone maker's contact-less payment system. The mobile payments solution differs from Apple Pay, which requires participating merchants to have Near Field Communication readers.

Wireless Charging

Both phones are outfitted with wireless charging, making power cords obsolete. In 10 minutes, Samsung says the devices can get enough charge for four hours of everyday use.

What's the Difference Between the 2 New Phones?

The biggest difference between the two 5.1-inch-display phones is the curved edge in the aptly named Galaxy S6 Edge.

The curved screen is designed with the purpose of helping users stay in touch with the people closest to them. The edge will light up with that person's corresponding color, meaning the user won't even have to lift their phone to see who left a message.