makes call-recording easy but pricey

— -- This call may be monitored for quality assurance.

It has a familiar ring. But given the exasperating encounters many of us have after hearing those words, you may wish you were the one monitoring the exchange. permits you to do just that, without installing software or requiring you to get one of those cheap suction-cup microphones, much less more-elaborate telephone recording equipment.

The aptly named Web service is aimed at any consumer or business person who has ever felt compelled to record conversations, if only to save voice mails for posterity, or avoid disputes with insurance companies, airline agents, contractors, brokers, even former spouses. Potential customers include attorneys, day traders and journalists.

You play back recorded calls on your PC or Mac. And your recordings are logged and stored online. (Recorded files are encrypted.)

The playback quality on interviews I recorded was generally very good, even when the connection was fair. I recorded calls that originated on my land-line home phone, office phone, cellphone and computer (through Skype).

But the service is pricey, especially if you expect to record a lot of calls. Under a monthly $4.95 "economy" plan, calls are 20 cents a minute, and you get 500 megabytes of online storage (about 10 to 12 hours of calls). That means recording a single half-hour call will set you back six bucks on top of the monthly charges. Calls with customer service agents can go a lot longer than that, especially if you're languishing on hold.

The "deluxe" $9.95 plan, targeted at more-frequent users, lowers the rate to 15 cents a minute and ups storage to 1 gigabyte. The New York-based start-up expects to bring out a yet-to-be-priced unlimited calling plan. How it all works:

•Recording calls. Upon signing up, you are issued a five-digit account number. To record a call, you dial a toll-free 800 number from any phone. You'll be prompted for your account number, followed by a personal identification number, or PIN. You then dial the number you want recorded.

You can authenticate a phone you repeatedly make calls from so that you don't have to re-enter the account number and PIN each time. Entering all those extra digits is a pain.

RecordMyCalls plans to partner with network providers to allow calls to be automatically recorded.

The recording starts within a few seconds, regardless of whether the person (or an answering machine) has picked up. So you'll likely hear the first few rings when you play a recording back. Recordings stop when you hang up.

The people you call won't know they're being recorded unless you tell them. The caller ID on their handsets shows your regular phone number, not the toll-free number.

On a couple of occasions, I lost the connection on calls I was recording, but it's unclear if RecordMyCalls was the reason. The company says it's unaware of any regular drop-outs.

You'll have to dial the phone to capture a conversation because you cannot record incoming calls. Nor can you record a call already in progress. Those are drawbacks compared with using a conventional tape recorder. The company says inbound call-recording is coming.

But you don't need to be chatting with anyone else to use RecordMyCalls. An OpenMic dictation feature (accessed by dialing a separate toll-free number) just records your voice and/or those around you. You might use the feature to leave yourself reminders, record lectures or capture the minutes of a meeting. The same rates apply.

•Playing back calls. To listen to recordings, you must sign into the website and visit the My Calls section. You'll see a log of recorded calls, listed with the dialed phone number. Selecting an entry gives you more information, such as the number where the call originated and size of the file. There's also a placeholder for the length of a call, but that information is for some reason omitted.

You play back a recording through Windows Media Player, iTunes or other media player on your computer. The recording shows up as a .wav file.

You can save the file to your hard drive, e-mail it or move it to a designated folder inside the RecordMyCalls log. You might create folders to segregate office calls from personal calls, and so on.

You can also supply notes on a call, listing, say, caller names and the purpose of the conversation. You can later search for recordings by these notes or by the originating or destination phone numbers.

The company doesn't transcribe calls but says it will soon have tie-ins with transcription services. fits the bill for folks who wished they'd taped an unhelpful customer service agent or a sales rep who quoted a faulty price. But this useful service would be even more attractive if prices were more palatable and the company delivers on its promise to record inbound calls.
