Talking Your Tech: Ariana Grande

— -- Ariana Grande was bored one night, so she stepped in front of a webcam to sing Adele's Rolling in the Deep and then posted the video on YouTube.

A year later, the co-star of Nickelodeon's Victorious series has seen some 30 million views for the video and pulled in nearly 2 million followers on Twitter.

An active social-media maven (she just joined video-sharing site Keek), Grande, 19, recently sat for an interview at her manager's office in Los Angeles.

Channeling Adele

"We live in an age where the Internet is so important and the solution to all boredom. I was sitting at home, bored, and didn't know what else to do, so I sang (Rolling in the Deep) and put it on the Internet. It's crazy. I wish I had put a little more effort into (the Adele cover). I didn't know it was going to get so much attention. Maybe I could have learned the words correctly."

Reaction from fans

"I went to Disneyland the other day with friends, and lots of little kids and teens will come up to me and say, 'Aren't you the girl from Victorious?' And then I'll get (the) random, 'Are you the girl from YouTube?' And it's, 'Whoa … that's weird.' "

Stardom and social media

"It's important and a wonderful thing we have, so we can have a real relationship with our fans, to show fans what we're like. … We almost get to have a friendship with them. … I wonder what it would have been like if Audrey Hepburn had (a Twitter account). Would she have responded?"

Can't quit Twitter

"My mom says, 'Get your nose out of the phone.' But she understands how addicting it is. I do a lot of tweeting on the phone in the car (while someone else drives), at the set, in-between scenes, (while) eating breakfast, in the studio, in bed. Sometimes if I don't tweet for 20 hours, my fans go, 'What's going on? Where are you?' I like Facebook as well, but I spend more time on Twitter."


A major Instagram addict ("It's the best thing when you're bored. The popular page refreshes every second") and also likes photo app Hipstamatic, and the app games Doodle, Scramble With Friends and Draw Something.