Talking Your Tech: Kermit the Frog

— -- He's hip to social media

At the ripe age of 55, Kermit the Frog, a show business veteran of TV and movies, now refers to himself as a "2012 frog." He's been out there beating the drum for his return to the big screen, in the Oscar-winning The Muppets, by turning to such 21st-century tech outlets as Google Hangouts, Facebook and Twitter.

So on the eve of Tuesday's release of Muppets on DVD and Blu-ray, we decided to pay a visit to the banjo-playing, singing frog to talk tech.

(Special thanks to Steve Whitmire, the man behind the frog.)

Facebook and Twitter Kermit pages

"Honestly, it's my peeps. I have peeps who do that for me." He has dictated some tweets, and he likes the 140-character limit that Twitter sets for composition. "I'm a talking frog in show business, but I think you'll find that most frogs don't talk. It's not that they can't talk, they just don't have much to say."

Not big on smartphones or texting

"Cell service is kind of sketchy where I live, in the swamp." A bigger issue: "I don't have any pockets, so it's hard for me to carry anything." So texting is out, too.

"I'm not much of a texter. I tend to drop the phone."

DVD or Blu-ray?

Picks Blu-ray. "The clarity is nice. It means that folks like myself and Brad Pitt will start to look better. I need all the help I can get."

He has a different take from paramour Miss Piggy.

"She likes the fact that she can pretend she's in an all-new movie because it just came out on an all-new format, but she's not so crazy about the clarity. She ain't as young as she used to be."

The gadget he'd want on a desert island

"Are they ever going to figure out how to ground things so I could have more electric gadgets in the swamp? Grounding is very important for frogs." That said, "I'm in the market for a new (waterproof) HD camcorder. I'm a movie frog. Back in the swamp, they call me Mr. 1080p."