TechBytes: 'Facebook Depression', Nook Color Apps, OED Adds Texting Acronyms

Doctors urge parents to discuss risks of social media with kids.

March 28, 2011— -- There is growing worry about the effect social networking has on kids. The American Academy of Pediatrics has asked doctors to speak with their young patients about the amount of time they spend on Facebook and other sites. They worry that too much time spent online can result in kids neglecting sleep, homework and physical activity.

Nook Color Update

It looks as if the Nook Color may soon go from e-reader to full-fledged tablet. A spokesperson for Barnes & Noble confirmed that its color e-reader would soon get a major update, bringing new apps and email to the device. No release date has been announced.

OMG and LOL Added to OED

If you think texting is just a passing fad, you'd better think again. The Oxford English Dictionary has added several of the most popular texting terms to its latest edition, which means you no longer have an excuse for not knowing that LOL means "Laughing Out Loud " and OMG means "Oh My God."