TechBytes: HP Calls It Quits on Devices

The company announced it will no longer produce smartphones and tablets.

Aug. 19, 2011— -- In today's TechBytes, Hewlett-Packard is restructuring. HP will no longer produce smartphones or tablets, and may get out of the personal computer business as well.

Instead, it plans to focus on software development.

BlackBerry 7

Several new BlackBerries will go on sale this weekend with a new operating system -- BlackBerry 7.

USA Today's Ed Baig thinks users will be pleased with the upgrades, but doesn't expect it to be a game changer.

"What I don't expect is BlackBerry 7 to attract a lot of folks who are not BlackBerry loyalists, the folks who are buying iPhones and Android devices. There's not enough here to pull defectors from those camps into the RIM camp."

But maybe a music service is.

Research In Motion is reportedly in talks with several major record labels about developing a music service for its customers.

It would integrate with the BlackBerry Messenger Service and help RIM compete better with Apple and Google.