TechBytes: Mixed Reviews for Apple's iCloud

The online storage system experiences glitches on its first day.

August 2, 2011— -- In today's TechBytes, Apple's iCloud is getting mixed reviews. It went live for the first time Monday, but there were glitches. Only some Apple customers could access it .

iCloud is a virtual environment where users can store their data to access from anywhere.

Pregnancy Updates on Facebook

Expecting moms can now post pregnancy updates on Facebook. A new profile page tag lets people announce the baby's due date, name and sex.

'Captain America: Super Soldier'

In today's video game review, 'Captain America: Super Soldier.' Just like the new feature film, this game is set during World War II. CNET's Dan Ackerman tried it out.

"Instead of using a gun, [Captain America] usually uses this big giant shield. So instead of having shootouts like you do in a lot of action games, you've gotta learn how to fight guys using acrobatics, using fists and using this big shield, which at least gives it kind of a unique spin," said Ackerman.

'Captain America: Super Solider' is on sale now and available for all of the major gaming systems.