TechBytes: Nintendo 3DS Announces March Launch Date

In today's TechBytes, Nintendo 3DS and ways to keep your smartphone safe.

Jan. 20, 2011— -- Nintendo announces its new handheld 3DS will go on sale on March 27 for $250. The device does not require special glasses and has cameras that let users take 3D photos.

Nintendo says there will be more than 30 games available for the 3DS by early June, including "The Legend of Zelda" and "Madden NFL Football."

More Smartphones, More Hackers

As smartphones and other mobile devices become more popular, they become a bigger target for hackers. Don't panic. The New York Times' Nick Bilton offers users tips to keep their phones safe.

"It is really important to see if you have some anti-viral protection on there," said Bilton. "The other really important thing is, if you're going to be doing banking or you're going to access really private information, to change your password on a regular basis."

Bilton also suggests that changing your phone's settings to prevent it from sharing information helps protect against hackers.