TechBytes: 'Osama Bin Laden Dead' Dominates Searches

Search engines explode as users seek info.

May 3, 2011— -- In today's TechBytes: Internet searches spiked after the death of Osama bin Laden. Yahoo reports searches for the Al-Qaeda leader's name spiked almost 100,000 percent on Sunday. One fourth of those searches were by people younger than 24. Searches for "September 11th" were up more than a thousand percent.

Mortal Kombat

In this week's video game review: Mortal Kombat. Once referred to as the game parents "love to hate," the popular fighting game now combines modern 3-D graphics and classic 2-D movements. CNET's Dan Ackerman says that it's a great choice for a large group of players.

"The thing that this new version of Mortal Kombat gets right is that it's very open to casual, new gamers. You don't have to be a Mortal Kombat expert or fighting game expert. You can really just pick up the controller, hit a bunch of buttons and hope that something fun will happen. And your friend can do the same thing," said Ackerman

Mortal Kombat retails for $60.