TechBytes: Verizon Sues FCC, Kids and Technology, and Speedy Beer Dispenser

Verizon challenges federal net neutrality rules.

Jan. 21, 2010— -- Verizon sued the Federal Communications Commission Thursday, arguing that the government overstepped its authority in adopting so-called net neutrality rules last month. The rules prohibit phone and cable companies from favoring certain Internet content and services.

Kids and Technology

A new survey from AVG Technologies finds that kids are learning how to master technology before many other basic skills. Fourteen percent of 4- and 5-year-olds can tie their shoes, compared with 21 percent who know how to use a smart phone or iPad app. Fifty-two percent of kids ages 2 to 5 know how to ride a bike, while 58 percent can play computer games.

Bottoms-Up Beer Dispenser

The days of waiting on long lines for a beer at the ballpark could soon be over. A company called GrinOn Industries has invented a machine that can pour 56 beers in one minute.

It revolutionizes the process by filling cups from the bottom up. Only a handful of stadiums use the system.