Tinder Users Get Real About Their Photos With #OnTinderAtTinder

Brave Tinder users snap candid selfies of themselves using Tinder.

The hashtag #OnTinderAtTinder is picking up steam on social media, with users showing a split screen of what they look like on the dating app next to a candid selfie showing what they look like while browsing Tinder. The hashtag appears to have been born on humor site Someecards and the results don't disappoint.

While many users present a polished side of themselves on Tinder, complete with the perfect pose and lighting, their candid snaps have a lazy Sunday, eating-cold-pizza-in-bed kind of vibe.

Twitter user @kaylumsharp pulled off the perfect split, showing himself dressed in a suit and not a hair out of place as he gazed at the camera for his Tinder photo. His candid snap showed a different side -- in bed, glasses on and hair tousled as he perused Tinder.

You can check out more snaps by searching the hashtag on Twitter.