Tip: Should you wait for the iPhone 5?

— -- Question: I keep hearing rumors about the iPhone 5 coming out this fall. If I'm eligible for an upgrade now, should I wait or just buy an iPhone 4S?

Answer: I definitely think you should wait. The next generation iPhone — whether they call it the iPhone 5, new iPhone or something different — could be out as early as September. That's not that long to wait for something that is rumored to be bigger and better than any other iPhone. It could have a host of new features like a bigger screen, stronger battery and even 4G connectivity. Even if it doesn't turn out to be the next big thing, current models should drop in price soon. Once the new model releases, we could see the 16GB 4S drop as low as $99 — and the 8GB iPhone 4 could be free!

Taking electronics through airline scanners

Q: I haven't traveled in a while. I know there has been a ton of changes in airline scanners — is it safe to take my film through one of their scanners yet?

A: For people who like to use film cameras, not much has changed. The security scanners for checked baggage can ruin undeveloped film. It still needs to be taken as a carry-on. If it's scanned four or more times, you'll probably start to see fogging. Ask the security agents for a manual scan of your film. As for digital cameras, those use flash memory that won't be damaged if you run it through the conveyor. The same can be said for flash drives, smartphones and any memory cards you have. As for your laptop, make sure you take it out of its case and put that in one tray and the laptop in a tray by itself.

Sending secure e-mail

Q: I want to e-mail some private files to a friend. What's the most secure way to send them so that only he can see them?

A: You could both set up accounts on a secure email service, but that could be easier said than done. Try encrypting the files with a program like 7-Zip . You'll be able to password-protect the file. Then, add it as an attachment to the e-mail like you would normally. Now, the biggest mistake you could make is communicating the password through the e-mail. If you do that, you're basically erasing all the work you just did to secure it. Instead, tell your friend the password in another way. Doing it face to face would be best.

Save a laptop from a spill

Q: I just spilled water all over my laptop! What do I do?

A: You have to act immediately. Pull out the charger, battery and anything else that is attached or giving power to the computer. Then, turn the laptop upside down and lay it on a flat surface. This prevents liquid from going any deeper into the machine. Lay down a towel to catch dripping liquid. Don't try to dry it with a hair dryer — that could fry the machine's internal parts. Wipe the computer and all the parts you took out with a paper towel or lint-free cloth. Now, you have to leave the computer alone for a day or two. Once time passes, pop everything back in, plug in your charger and cross your fingers that it turns back on!

Mirror Airplay on older Macs

Q: I upgraded to Mountain Lion to have AirPlay Mirroring. It doesn't work on my Mac, though. What gives?

A: Sadly, the AirPlay Mirroring feature in Mountain Lion is only available on Macs produced in 2011 or later. These have upgraded graphics cards that handle the feature better. Older Macs have to run on CPU power, which could cause sluggish performance. There are third-party applications that will stream your Mac to your TV. One popular choice is AirParrot. It costs $10 but offers a free 10-day trial. It works with 2nd or 3rd generation Apple TV to mirror your screen in 1080p or higher and works with OS X Snow Leopard or higher.

Kim Komando hosts the nation's largest talk radio show about consumer electronics, computers and the Internet. To get the podcast, watch the show or find the station nearest you, visit www.komando.com. E-mail her at http://techcomments@usatoday.com.