Tip: Be wary of e-mail about security updates

— -- Question: I have Norton Internet Security on my computer, and heard that it was hacked. Now, I'm getting e-mail from Symantec saying that I need to update my security, and the e-mail provides a link. I know you say never click a link in an e-mail, but what do I do about my security?

Answer: You're wise to question that e-mail. Hackers did indeed break into the network of security developer Symantec and stole the source code for multiple security programs, including your Norton Internet Security. While that happened back in 2006, the hackers just released new information related to that incident last week, so there is renewed concern.

Now other hackers are taking advantage of the situation and sending fake e-mail with malicious attachments and links. Remember, Symantec programs update themselves. The company will never send you update links or attachments via e-mail. Symantec will also never ask for your personal information.

That e-mail is a fake. If you use Symantec products, you'll need to watch them carefully for available updates.

Q. I see many of my Facebook friends posting a message asking me to unsubscribe from their profiles for privacy reasons. What does this mean? Should I do this?

A. I know exactly the message you're talking about. I've been seeing it too. It asks you to change your subscription so your friends don't appear in the news ticker. Unfortunately, this doesn't affect your friends' privacy. Facebook's privacy controls govern who can see what. If you have your privacy set to Friends or Only Me, then it doesn't matter if people subscribe to you or not. So, the next time a friend posts that message, tell them to check their privacy settings instead .

Q. I'm upgrading my computer from Windows Vista to 7. What I want to know is what version of 7 is best for editing video? Also, how difficult will the upgrade be?

A. Choosing a version of Windows 7 isn't difficult. You really only have two serious options: Home Premium and Ultimate. There aren't any differences that you need to worry about, and both work fine for video editing. I would go with Home Premium because it's less expensive and you don't need any of Ultimate's more advanced features. The upgrade process shouldn't be too difficult. Moving from Vista to 7 allows you to perform an in-place upgrade. That means it upgrades the operating system, but all your programs and files remain in place and intact. You should have to do very little work.

Q. I don't want my 8-year-old son to accidentally access the Internet on the family iPad. Can I create an Internet password?

A. You most certainly can. To restrict Internet use, go to Settings>>General>>Restrictions. Choose Enable Restrictions and create a passcode. Don't forget this passcode. Note that these instructions also work on an iPhone and iPod touch. There's a long list of apps and features you can restrict. You'll want to at least restrict Safari, YouTube and installing apps. That will keep your kids off the Internet and out of potentially objectionable videos. You'll have to decide what else you want to restrict. For example, restricting iTunes can keep your child away from music with objectionable lyrics. Turning off multiplayer games in Games Center will keep your child from interacting with people you don't know.

Q. I have a nice home theater, and I'm wondering about upgrading the left and right speakers in my surround sound with ribbon speakers. Do they really sound better?

A. The long and short of it is you don't want to mix ribbon speakers with your regular surround-sound system. The center channel speaker is doing a good share of the work and will cover up any quality improvement in the left and right speakers. Ribbon speakers make more sense for listening to high-quality music in a quiet environment. Even in that setting, you'll need more expensive ribbons, over $500, to notice a difference over dome speakers.

Kim Komando hosts the nation's largest talk radio show about consumer electronics, computers and the Internet. To get the podcast, watch the show or find the station nearest you, visit www.komando.com. E-mail her at techcomments@usatoday.com.