Video Shows SpaceX Spaceship for Astronauts Passing Key Hover Test

Video shows Dragon crew vessel hovering above the ground.

A recent test of SpaceX's Dragon vessel -- which can seat as many as seven astronauts -- shows the spacecraft test firing its engines and hovering for five seconds above the launchpad.

The Dragon spacecraft has eight SuperDraco thrusters that SpaceX envisions slowing the spacecraft's return and setting it down gently back on Earth. While SpaceX showed its technology is ready, propulsive landing initially won't be used for its missions. NASA said the vessel will instead use parachutes and splash down in the ocean when its bringing passengers back to Earth.

Last May, SpaceX passed another key safety test when Dragon launched, detached from a rocket and parachuted into the Atlantic. A dummy stood in for a human crew, allowing SpaceX to collect data on how the emergency abort procedure could potentially affect the human body. SpaceX said the results show a human would have survived the emergency evacuation.