Justin Bieber? Or Justin Beaver? Yahoo Lists 7 Top Misspelled Searches of 2011

From Brack Obama to Farrah Faucet, proof that we type too quickly.

June 2, 2011 — -- Chances are, if you're on your computer today, you've already done a search or two on Google, Yahoo, Bing or another site. Chances are, too, that you've typed something too quickly, or spelled it wrong, and found the search engine gently steering you to what it thinks you probably wanted to find.

The search engines do it automatically, but don't think there aren't human beings at their headquarters, getting a little laugh from our foibles.

Yahoo, for one, is out today with its list of the top misspelled/misheard searches so far for 2011, and passed them on to us. Hear -- er, here -- they are:

Top Misspelled Searches of 2011 on Yahoo!

72 virginians: for 72 virgins, following the death of Osama bin Laden

Which american idol has turrets - for which American Idol has Tourette's?

Defensive marriage act - for Defense of Marriage Act

Turnoble russia meltdown - for Chernobyl Russia meltdown

Alice and chains - for Alice in Chains

Super bowel commercials - for Super Bowl commercials

How old is McJagger? - for How old is Mick Jagger?

Most Common Misspellings, According to Yahoo!

Justin Beaver, Justine Bieber - for Justin Bieber

louie vaton purses - for Louis Vuitton purses

Wallmart – for Walmart

Katie Perry – for Katy Perry

Brittany Spears – for Britney Spears

Paperview boxing – for "pay per view boxing"

Swain flu, swan flu, wine flu – for swine flu

Dancing with the Starts – Dancing with the Stars

Obama Bin Laden – for Osama bin Laden

toys are us - for Toys R Us

Chevy Vault and Chevy Bolt - for Chevy Volt

Less Paul - for Les Paul death

Brack Obama, Barrack Obama – for Barack Obama

Al Rocker - for Al Roker

Farrah Faucet – for Farrah Fawcett

Rod Steward – for Rod Stewart