Police: Teacher Made Suicide Pact with Student

A missing Buffalo teacher and eighth-grade student entered into a suicide pact.

July 11, 2008— -- Police say a former Buffalo charter school teacher who disappeared with a male eighth-grade student last month made a suicide pact with the teen.

Cara L. Dickey, 30, surrendered to Buffalo police Thursday on four charges, including felony counts of promoting a suicide attempt and unlawful imprisonment.

Arrest papers allege Dickey sent the 14-year-old boy inappropriate text messages, picked him up on the afternoon of June 16, drove him to numerous locations and supplied him with rum and over-the-counter drugs.

Police found both of them the next morning, the boy in a suburban mall and Dickey sleeping in her vehicle elsewhere. Dickey was fired from her job at South Buffalo Charter School.

Dickey's lawyer declined comment as she was released on $5,000 bail.