Funnies: Clinton's One-Piece Pantsuit

A look at the best in late night political comedy.

July 1, 2007 — -- A roundup of the late-night comics.

Late Show

David Letterman: It was so hot today that Hillary Clinton went to the beach today in a one-piece pantsuit.

The Tonight Show

Jay Leno: A new poll says that 40 percent of Americans still mistakenly believe that Iraq was responsible for 9/11. The sad part: Two of those people [are] Bush and Cheney.

The Colbert Report

Stephen Colbert: Earlier this week, the Iranian government started rationing fuel to its citizens, causing long gas lines and riots. This is fantastic news. Think about it: gas lines, rough economy, social unrest. Iran is no longer a menace, it's America under the Carter administration.

The Daily Show

Jon Stewart: Giuliani's appeal to evangelicals is simple.

Rudy Giuliani [on tape]: If this is a one-issue election, it's about remaining on the offense against terrorists.

Stewart: "And if this is a two-issue election, I'm going to lose."

The Tonight Show

Leno: Elizabeth Edwards called Ann Coulter on Chris Matthews' "Hardball" yesterday to complain about the attacks on her husband. It's a good thing Coulter hadn't attacked Rudy Giuliani. She would have had three angry wives calling.

Jimmy Kimmel Live

Jimmy Kimmel: Democrats gathered at Howard University in Washington, D.C. Joe Biden talked about AIDS in the black community.

Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del. [at Democratic debate]: Getting people in the position where testing matters. I got tested for AIDS. I know Barack got tested for AIDS. [Obama looks unhappy] There's no shame in being tested for AIDS. [The Rev. Al Sharpton looks unhappy] It's an important thing.

Kimmel: Joe Biden has the African American vote wrapped up.