Funnies: Laughs on Stimulus Plan, CEO Pay

A look at the best in late-night political comedy.

Feb. 9, 2009 — -- Here's a roundup of the late-night comics.

The Tonight Show

Leno: "You can tell a lot of these CEOs don't get it. They said, "well, that's $500,000 a month, right?"

The Late Show

Letterman: "President Obama has a great new economic plan. Here's what he's going to do. He's going to make all his Cabinet members that he selected, he's going to make all of those people pay their back taxes."

Late Night

Conan: "One of the senators resisting President Obama's stimulus package the most is John McCain. John McCain's resisting it. Yeah. Apparently, McCain's biggest problem with the package is it's not written in a larger font."

Saturday Night Live

Seth Myers: "On Friday, the Senate agreed to an economic stimulus package of at least $780 billion, which I know sounds like a lot of money, but remember that's in American dollars."

The Daily Show

Sen. John Thune, R-S.D.: "You took 100 dollar bills, not stacked them on top of each other but wrapped them side-by-side all around the earth, if you could believe this, it would go around the earth almost 39 times." Jon: "If you would sew them together, you would make a blanket for Jupiter."