Funnies: Of Socialists, Seders and Budget Cuts

A look at the best in late-night political comedy.

April 12, 2009 — -- Here's a roundup of the late-night comics.

The Colbert Report

Colbert: I'm no fan of President Obama. He is a socialist. If I wanted to share my wealth with my friends… I'd have friends.

Saturday Night Live

Seth Meyers: President Obama on Thursday night hosted what may be the first Passover Seder in the White House. And, in a sign of thepresident's popularity, Elijah showed up.

The Colbert Report

Clips From Cable News: Lou Dobbs, CNN: Defense Secretary Robert Gates announced sweeping cuts to Pentagon spending. Sean Hannity, FOX News: Drastic cuts in the military budget. Tamron Hall, MSNBC: Deep budget cuts. Brian Williams, NBC: A deep slice into major U.S. weapons programs. Colbert: [Graphic] That's right, Gates is chopping our defense budget to $513 all the way down to $534 billion.

The Tonight Show

Jay Leno: And China has proposed replacing the U.S. dollar with a global currency... the Wal-Mart gift certificate.

The Daily Show

Jon Stewart:Iowa says banning gay marriage is unconstitutional. Iowa – when this was last year's Iowa gay pride parade! [Shows lone man riding down the street on a tractor and people waving from a farm]