Funnies: The Obama Effect

A look at the best in late-night political comedy.

June 14, 2009 — -- Here's a roundup of the late-night comics.

The Colbert Report

Stephen Colbert: in Iraq: Saddam sure had good taste. There's so much marble and gold paint, I thought I was watching "The Real Housewives of New Jersey."

The Tonight Show

Conan O'Brien: Iranians will have to decide which candidate is best prepared to lead them into the the 12th century.

The Daily Show

Jon Stewart: The Cairo effect, did this already pay off?

MSNBC anchorman Chris Matthews [on tape]: Could it be the Obama effect? The Obama effect?

Stewart: The Obama effect. [Shows graphic of Obama's face superimposed on Bourne Identity movie poster.] Isn't that the sequel to the Obama identity?

The Tonight Show

O'Brien: The new CEO said, this is a quote, "Going forward we intend to build on Chrysler's culture of innovation." Then he laughed for three straight hours.

Late Night

Jimmy Fallon:: President Obama is proposing a new national health care plan that's both inexpensive and acceptable. He's calling it, "Have your surgery in Mexico."

Real Time With Bill Maher

Bill Maher: They released, this wee, four prisoners formerly held at Guantanamo Bay. ... They're resettling them in Bermuda and giving them $100,000. In a related story, the entire population of Detroit said that they were part of al Qaeda.