Coming Up on 'This Week': Larry Summers and Sen. McConnell, R-Ky

National Economic Council Director Larry Summers and Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.

— -- After another turbulent week on Wall Street the markets ended up for a change and some big banks announced some small profits. Are there reasons to be optimistic about a recovery or was this week simply a brief respite? Obama's Chief Economic Adviser Larry Summer joins "This Week" to discuss Obama's plan to save the faltering banks and revive the economy. Can Obama's plans pull the country out of recession? Then in an exclusive interview, Minority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., will offer his response to Obama's ambitious agenda.

Next a debate on all of the week's politics with our powerhouse roundtable. ABC News' George Will, Frank Rich of the New York Times, BusinessWeek's Jim Ellis and Robert Kuttner of the American Prospect weigh in on whether financial journalists fell down on their job covering Wall Street.

Have a question for our guests ... or a news tip for George? Join the debate and submit your question or tip HERE.

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