Coming Up: Bonuses, Budgets and Bailouts

Exclusive: Kent Conrad, Susan Collins, Mike Pence and Jared Bernstein.

March 20, 2009— -- Our exclusive guests on "This Week with George Stephanopoulos" Sunday are Sen. Kent Conrad, D-N.D., Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, Rep. Mike Pence, R-Ind., and Vice President Joe Biden's chief economist, Jared Bernstein.

Rarely has Washington seen such populist outrage as it did this week over the bonuses paid to AIG employees. Yet a week later, there's still disagreement over how or whether to deal with it. Our guests this week debate whether the tax clawback proposed by Congress is the right way to go, and whether it is fair and legal.

Then, we'll get a preview of the coming battle over President Obama's budget. Negotiations get under way this week and we have some of the key negotiators on our broadcast.

Finally, we'll have a preview of the administration's plan to deal with toxic bank assets, which is expected to be announced early next week.

Meantime, the president spent most of the week defending Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, including on "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno." President Obama's trip to California, his handling of the week and the significance of the outrage over the AIG bonuses will be debated on our roundtable with former Labor Secretary Robert Reich, as well as ABC News' George Will, Donna Brazile and Betsy Stark.

You won't want to miss this show!

See you Sunday morning.

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