10 tasty fast foods you can't get in the USA

— -- We think we're spoiled for choice in North America, with every kind of fast food we could possibly dream of easily available within driving distance. We are so wrong. Restaurant chains like Dunkin' Donuts, McDonald's, Burger King, and many others have expanded (like our waistlines) into global dominance—and they're offering all kinds of tasty delights you can't get stateside. Read on to see what you're missing!


McDonald's, France

Oh France, you're so fancy. While we're stuck ending our meals with Shamrock Shakes, French patrons get mandarin or mango macarons for dessert. How is it that French women don't get fat, again?

Seafood Pizza

Pizza Hut, Japan

Forget pepperoni or mushrooms—at Japanese Pizza Huts you can top off your pie with a combination of tuna with mayonnaise, squid, and prawn. Feeling healthy? Add some corn on there!

Rosti Brekkie Wrap

McDonald's, Australia

Are we sure this is English? Come to "Macca's" for the " Rosti Brekkie Wrap, (which) has a rasher of bacon, a freshly cracked egg, a slice of cheese, and a golden potato rosti … topped off with BBQ sauce, on a flour tortilla." American translation: Come to McDonald's for the potato breakfast wrap, which has ham, a freshly cracked egg, a slice of cheese, and grated fried potato. Why the egg is perfectly square remains an Australian mystery.

Breakfast Congee

KFC, China

The Chinese KFC breakfast menu kind of overwhelms us, honestly. Where's the chicken (or the Kentucky Fried for that matter)? Although we're not so sure we could eat a steaming bowl of KFC-style Congee (rice porridge with pork, pickles, mushrooms, and preserved egg) at 6:00 a.m., we could get behind the side order of Youtiao (fried dough sticks) that comes with it.

Coffee Jelly Frappuccino

Starbucks, Japan

Do you take your coffee with milk, cream, sugar, or jelly? Yes, in Japan, you can order a Starbucks Frappuccino topped with " fresh coffee jelly." PB&C sandwich, anyone?

Chili Cheese Nuggets

Burger King, Germany

You know what Americans like to pair with a cheeseburger? MORE CHEESE. Take note, Burger King, and bring your Chili Cheese Nuggets (deep fried gooey cheese flecked with chili peppers) to the American masses.

Kebab Pizza

Domino's France

Domino's has mashed up every drunken late-night snacker's dream foods— kebabs and pizza. It's tomato sauce, mozzarella, roasted chicken kebab, green peppers, onions, lightweight cream (gotta stay healthy), and oregano.

Curry Beef Donut

Dunkin' Donuts, China

Are traditional donuts just too sweet for you? Meat it up with a Curry Beef donuts from Dunkin Donuts in China. Curry, beef, sugar, fried dough … Yep, this doughnut hits all the major food groups!

McSpicy Paneer

McDonald's, India

Not only do the McDonald's in India offer an entire "Spicy Delights" menu, but they also offer online ordering and delivery. Why are we missing out on extra spice and the opportunity to be even lazier than a drive-through? Personally, we think the McSpicy Paneer, which is basically deep-fried cheese on a bun, would be well-received stateside.


Taco Bell, India

What's the only thing that could make a quesadilla even unhealthier (and more delicious)? Replacing the cheese with " sinfully hot molten chocolate." Indian Taco Bell, you evil genius!

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