British DJ Granny Takes European Nightclubs by Storm

DJ Ruth Flowers is the latest sensation on European nightclub scene.

PARIS, March 8, 2010— -- Ruth Flowers is certainly not your typical grandmother. At 69, Flowers is a real phenomenon and the latest sensation on the European nightclub scene.

Wearing large black sunglasses (a fashion statement, there is nothing wrong with her eyesight), flashy clothes, bling jewelry, fake diamond-incrusted DJ headphones on her white hair, the British granny makes crowds go wild, spinning records behind the decks of the most prestigious nightclubs in Paris, Cannes and other European cities.

DJ Ruth Flowers, a.k.a Mamy Rock, began her new career when, four years ago, she attended her grandson's birthday party. "Kids don't play games anymore. They have discos after they eat," she told ABC News.

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"I went to the party late. The doormen said 'Oh, I don't think you want to go in there, madam. And I said 'I rather think I do because it's my grandson's birthday'. So, I went in of course," she explained.

"It was noisy. The lights were flashing. But they were having such a wonderful time, the music, the enthusiasm, the energy, they were loving every minute of it. And I thought this is great. I could do this for the kids, I could run a disco," she said of her revelation. "But at that stage, I was thinking about something small. I was not thinking anything that is happening to me now," DJ Ruth admitted.

Flowers, a trained singer who is from the Bristol area, met French producer Aurélien Simon through a friend. "We went wild together on this DJ granny idea," Simon said. Simon taught her how to spin and helped her to develop a style, mixing her techno sets with tunes from Queen, the Rolling Stones and Lady Gaga.

"We showed her the machines, the decks and then she practiced. It took some time, but I think that she has surpassed me and even some other DJs. She likes to touch switches to throw in an effect," Simon said. "She is totally respected in the DJ circle. She is no joke. She's got a real talent to make people dance."

"Some people probably think I'm a weirdo, a bit OTT (for Over The Top), a bit bling bling, but I enjoy what I do," she said. "Standing out there in front of the crowd, sometimes, I think what am I doing here, just for a brief moment" Flowers said. "And then it's time to go on. I'm with the kids and we're out there to have a wonderful time".

Family Are Mamy Rock's Fans

Family and fans are supportive of DJ Ruth's new life.

"My family loves what I do. My son says, 'Ma, go for it'. My son went to the University in Miami and all his American friends are now members of my fan club. That's great. My grandson thinks I'm the coolest nana that ever was. I sign pictures for his friends at school. He's got prestige now" she said.

Flowers is working on a single, "Behind the decks," due to be released this spring. With upcoming shows scheduled across Europe and with the rest of the world in her sights (including the U.S.), DJ Ruth has no plans to retire anytime soon. "I think I'll probably go 'til I drop dead on the turntables" she concluded, laughing.