Day Pack and Washing Machine in One, the Stuff Backpacker's Dreams Are Made Of

The stuff of backpackers' dreams is real, and it's almost here.

— -- It's a common backpacker's dilemma: carrying few enough clothes to easily move from place to place and keeping those few possessions from becoming caked in filth.

Enter the Scrubba Wash Pack, the latest iteration of a washing machine on the go. Described as a day pack that is also a washing machine, it's said to have a "flexible internal washboard with hundreds of nobules that give you a machine quality clothes wash in a matter of minutes."

The main difference between the two items is that the wash pack is wearable. It has adjustable straps allowing you to wear it as a backpack or messenger-style sling bag and a waist strap and access pockets on the shoulder straps and pouch.

A Scrubba Wash Pack can be secured for as little as $79 on the Indiegogo page.