The Hulk's Tampa: RNC Must-Sees

Hulk Hogan was eager to talk about Tampa, a city he's proud to call home.

Aug. 28, 2012— -- As the nation's eyes turn to Tampa for the 2012 Republican National Convention, ABC News Travel caught up with a local to get the inside scoop on what to do, what to skip and where to dine on your next trip to Tampa. Terry Bollea -- known to most of the world as Hulk Hogan -- was eager to talk about Tampa, a city he's proud to call home. Just don't ask him who he's voting for.

ABC News: So . . . why the Tampa area? You could live anywhere.

HH: I grew up in Tampa and it's my home. It's one of the only places in the world where I get treated like a normal person.

ABC News: Favorite restaurant?

HH: Island Way Grill.

Island Way Grill is located at 20 Island Way in Clearwater Beach, Fla. The menu is seafood focused and features a large selection of crab, shrimp, tuna and more. See the menu here.

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ABC News: Any local places come to mind as being particularly well-suited for Republicans? Democrats? Where and why?

HH: Berns Steakhouse for Republicans. It's all gold and red throughout the restaurant and is very business-like.

Berns Steakhouse is a world-famous steak house located at 1208 South Howard Ave., Tampa. According to the restaurant web site, jackets and ties are encouraged, but not required. Click here to visit the web site.

ABC News: What's one place in town tourists don't know about, but should?

HH: Hulk Hogan's Beach Shop, I'm opening it this week. We have everything for the beach and some wrestling stuff too.

Editorial note: The shop is located in Clearwater on Mandalay Avenue, on the upper level of the Pelican Walk Plaza.

ABC News: What's the one place tourist always go, but should probably skip?

HH: The beach behind my house. People are always coming up and taking pictures.

ABC News: If you had to pick just one thing that makes Tampa a great place to live, what would it be?

HH: The weather… we rarely have severe weather like the rest of Florida. I love sun and it's almost always sunny here.

ABC News: And if there was one thing you could change?

HH: Aside from renaming Tampa after me there is really nothing. It's my home and I love it here.

ABC News: Who are you voting for?

HH: I'm going to keep that a secret.

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