Husband Posts Hilarious Photos of His Vacation, Sans Wife

He made sure to not have any fun at all.

In the photos he originally posted to Reddit and shared with ABC News, Blandford of Louisville, Kentucky, wrote: "Won a trip to Puerto Rico and couldn't take my wife. Didn't have a single second of fun."

Looks like he had no fun on the plane . . .

"I won the trip through recognition for extraordinary service with my company," Blandford told ABC News. "A couple of fellow employees recommended me so I won the award a couple of times and then they do a drawing each year to send people on the trip. I was one of about 200 people chosen to go on the trip out of about 50,000 employees."

No fun in his hotel room ...

"My wife wasn't able to go because we have a 7-month old baby," he said. "The type of trip it was made it complicated to take the baby due to liability reasons and my wife didn't want to leave her for that long so she stayed home."

No fun at the pool . . .

No fun on the boat . . .

"The no fun pics really happened organically. My 'dedicated friend' Alec took a photo of me at the airport and I looked miserable," Blandford said. "We thought it would be funny to take many pictures of me being miserable and to act like I wasn't having any fun without my wife. We had a lot of fun picking the picture locations out."

No fun gambling . . .

The photos have become so popular that an advertising agency for Puerto Rican tourism has reached out to Blandford to offer him—along with his wife and baby-- another all expenses paid trip back to sunny Puerto Rico.

"It's pretty surreal,” he said. “I’m having a hard time keeping everything straight!”