Scorpions, Bees, Snakes and Other Gross Things Found on Planes

You think snakes on a plane is the worst that can happen? Not even close.

Feb. 20, 2012— -- intro: It's the stuff bad dreams are made of: You're in a tight, enclosed space and a critter – maybe a scorpion, snake or even a maggot – is crawling or flying around you. But it's not a dream, because these things have actually happened on planes.

A JetBlue plane was grounded Tuesday because of a report of a scorpion on board. And once in awhile, an icky in-flight incident happens to those who aren't even on a plane.

Click through the next few pages for eight gross-out plane stories.

quicklist: 1category: title:Scorpion on a Plane url:text:A JetBlue plane was taken out of service Tuesday because of a report of a scorpion on board the aircraft. JetBlue flight 748 carrying 148 passengers from San Juan, Puerto Rico, landed in Orlando and was then taken out of service for inspection. The plane remains out of service while they look for the critter. media: 18548374

quicklist: 2category: title: Bees on a Plane url: text: A Delta flight heading from Pittsburgh to New York was delayed by thousands of bees on its wing. A professional bee keeper was called to remove the bees, ABC affiliate WTAE reported. Master beekeeper Stephen Repasky said he was called to remove the bees because they're a protected species that cannot legally be 16926120

quicklist: 2category: title: Snakes on a Planeurl: text: It's more than a movie. Snakes on a plane actually happened to an Australian pilot earlier this month. He was on a solo flight when a golden tree snake came out from behind his dashboard and slithered down his leg before it disappeared. The plane was taken out of service until the snake was found. media: 16926154

quicklist: 3category: title: Maggots on a Planeurl: text: A woman who was on a Qantas flight from Los Angeles to Melbourne on March 26 claims she found maggots in her trail mix – the in-flight snack provided by the airline. Victoria Cleven told the airline has apologized to her and offered a refund of half the cost of her ticket and access to the airline lounge the next time she flies. Qantas said they have contacted the supplier of the product and are currently investigating how the issue occurred. media: 16926165

quicklist:4category: title: Bats on a Plane url: text: In 2011, passengers were on a Delta flight headed from Wisconsin to Delaware when a bat repeatedly flew up and down the length of the cabin. Passengers eventually trapped the bat in the jet's bathroom, but it escaped upon the plane's return to Madison. In April 2012, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention determined, after interviewing nearly all the passengers aboard the flight, that rabies was not transmitted to 45 of 50 passengers assessed or the flight or ground crew. media:

quicklist: 5category: title: Sewage From a Planeurl: text: This unfortunate incident happened to people who weren't even on a plane. Poor Artie Hughes and his wife were minding their own business, sitting on their deck in Malverne, N.Y., when a black oily substance dropped from the sky, splattering on them and their deck. A police officer who responded to the Hughes' call suspected lavatory runoff and told Hughes there had been an "incident" and lavatory excrement had leaked out. media: 16926175

quicklist: 6category: title: Bed Bugs on a Plane url: text: In February 2011, the Daily Mail of London reported British Airways grounded two jumbo jets after a passenger complained of being badly bitten by bed bugs during two separate long-haul flights. The woman who was reportedly bitten created a website, BA Bites!, to chronicle her experience. She claims to have been bitten on not one, but two British Airways flights. media:

quicklist: 7category: title: Cockroaches on a Planeurl: text: In November 2011, a North Carolina couple sued AirTran, alleging that cockroaches crawled out of air vents and overhead carry-on bins during a flight from Charlotte to Houston. ABC affiliate KABC reported at the time that the couple said flight attendants were too busy to address the problem. media: