Fall foliage quality varies around U.S.

DURHAM, N.H. -- A little less of a common forest fungus may help bring more of New England's celebrated fall foliage color this year, but warm weather earlier in the year in Georgia and a late summery weather in Ohio may mute the foliage there.

Experts in New England say they are seeing less of a disease called Anthracnose, or leaf blight, which is caused by tiny fungi. The fungi make normally green hardwood leaves look brown, black or even scorched. When prevalent, they can make a forest look dingy. Less Anthracnose this season means more chance for a more brilliant season, according to the U.S. Forest Service.

"Last year you could drive through the White Mountains of New Hampshire and for miles, the white birches were noticeably brown," said Margaret Miller-Weeks, a forest health monitoring specialist. "Today throughout New England, the incidence of the disease is drastically less than the previous year."

Meanwhile, in Georgia, the brilliant fall color display across the state's forests is expected to be more muted and shorter this year, according to The Times of Gainesville.

The weather roller-coaster earlier this year is to blame. Unseasonably warm temperatures in March made plants bloom early, and the early April freeze killed many of those young leaves. The drought that has persisted through the summer, coupled with a long heat wave in August, also stressed the trees.

Many leaves are withering and falling before they get a chance to change their color. Peak times vary according to elevation, but on average the third week of October brings out the most vivid color in North Georgia.

And in Ohio, inn owners and shop keepers who rely on leaf-peeping tourists in the fall are hoping warm weather won't mute the vibrant colors that attract visitors.

A warm September and lack of summer rain are the problem, said Ohio Department of Natural Resources forester Casey Munchel. Some trees are going dormant early and dropping their leaves to protect themselves from the dry weather.

Ohio has several popular fall color spots including the Appalachian foothills and Hocking Hills in the south and the Cuyahoga Valley National Park in the north.

Leaves are changing earlier than normal and falling in the some areas of the Wayne National Forest in southern Ohio.

Fall colors peak in northern Ohio usually in early October, then hit the central part of the state by mid-October, and a few weeks later in the south.