Tripadvisor Data Uncovers Best Time to Book Hotels Depends on Destination

The best time to book depends on where you're going, Tripadvisor finds.

— -- When it comes to airfare, the general rule of thumb is to book as far in advance as possible for the best rates.

But that same doesn't hold true for hotels, according to just-released data from Tripadvisor.

The travel giant found that booking the lowest hotel prices largely depends on the destination. In other words, a traveler shouldn't be looking for hotel deals in Europe at the same time they are looking for deals in the U.S.

When booking a domestic trip, it's best to book the hotel room within two months of arrival, according to Tripadvisor. This yields an average savings of 7 percent. But when booking a European getaway, the hotel should be reserved three to five months in advance for an average savings of 23 percent. For Asia and Central America, book within three months of departure. For the Caribbean and South America, within four months of the trip.

Translation: There's still plenty of time to book hotel stays for domestic trips this summer. If wanderlust beckons to a farther-flung destination, it's time to get booking.

Best Time to Book Hotels for Summer in Popular World Cities for Travel

• Beijing – 2-6 months out for 16% savings

• Berlin – 2-5 months out for 33% savings

• Buenos Aires – 1-4 months out for 19% savings

• Cancun – 2-4 months for 16% savings

• Dublin – 2-5 months out for 14% savings

• Hanoi – Within 3 months for 16% savings

• Istanbul – Within 5 months for 29% savings

• London – 3-5 months out for 18% savings

• New York City – 2-4 months out for 25% savings

• Orlando – 1-4 months for 10% savings

• Paris – Within 4 months for 32% savings